Our online application will be available on November 1, 2024.  All applications must be completed by February 9, 2025.


Sunday, May 18, 2025 (tentative) @ Site TBD

To view pictures of our 2019 Scholarship Program please visit the web site for Peter Mangel's Photography


About Our Dollars for Scholars Program

The Allegany County Area Foundation (ACAF) Dollars for Scholars® program was established in 2004 to provide college scholarships for students from Allegany County.  All students attending or graduated from schools in Allegany County, NY may apply for these scholarships.  We do have a few scholarships that some students from outside Allegany County may apply for.  Please see our Who may match to our affiliate? document for this list. The ACAF Dollars for Scholars® program will help build the future of the Allegany County area and its youth by making higher education a possibility and successful careers an attainable goal for any young person with a dream. Note that we support students pursuing a variety of programs - four-year, two-year, trade, tech, and shorter credential programs.

Reasons to apply for a scholarship through ACAF Dollars for Scholars

As a Scholarship America® affiliate, the Allegany County Area Foundation is able to offer:

- Security from loss of other financial aid (that is, schools less likely to use your ACAF aid to offset money they would award)
- One standard Dollars for Scholars application for multiple scholarships

You can have access to one of the largest scholarship search companies

Through Scholarship America®, the parent company of the Dollars for Scholars program, you have access to Fastweb, the leading website for scholarship and financial aid information.

Plus, your ACAF director will be in touch with you about other scholarship opportunities that come along.

Before starting this or any scholarship application, have this information on hand:

Your current high school transcript (get this from your guidance office)

Contact info (e-mail) for your school counselor



Allegany County Area Foundation
6087 State Route 19N
Belmont, NY  14813
Phone:  585-296-5616

We serve the students of Allegany County in western New York.